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Topographical an functional Anatomy on human Cadavers


The course is designed to advance anatomical learning and self-knowledge by exploring the human body in a unique way.

Course contents: 

The two-day course is designed to advance anatomical learning and self-knowledge by exploring the human body on anatomical specimens! Under instruction the participants will be able to observe, palpate and analyze the structures of the musculoskeletal system directly on the dissected                               human body

Besides the musculoskeletal system, the course also offers anatomical specimens of the pelvic floor, internal organs, nervous system, etc.

On both days the participants work in small groups directly on anatomical specimens. So, it's all about a hands-on course! During the time of self-study, the instructor will hold some presentations to deepen the previously developed knowledge.

Course objectives:

Refreshing and deepening of the topographical anatomy on anatomical specimens (course
  of the vessels/nerves and muscles, position and structure of the ligaments and capsule, position and
  function of the internal organs...).

- Recognition of the anatomical and functional relationships of the various structures
- Three-dimensional observation of the different structures in motion
- Course and anatomy of the fascial structures
- The two-day course should answer your questions, satisfy your curiosity and awake your
  fascination for the human anatomy
- The experience gained during the course should help participants to feel more confident  
  about the patient's treatment and thereby improve the quality of it
- Theory : practice in the course: (25:75%)

Please note, that this is not a dissection course! The anatomical specimens are already prepared!


Date        : April 12th - 13th 2019

Locations: Nijmegen (Netherlands)

Language: English

Instructor: Adriano Di Giacomo

For further information and subscription please contact us: info@physeducation.eu